Moleosophy ~ Study of Moles
Moles....... what they say about you An introduction to Moles NATURE is Divines way of Always Cautioning, Warning Man of approaching calamities whether in Personal Life or a Country of approaching disasters but we fail to see the signals. Also Nature Cares - Cautions you to Prepare Yourself for a Good Period .Long before anything untoward can happen. Nature also informs us of the characteristics of a person in many ways like - Graphic Details on the Face, Changing Colorations on the Face, Appearances of Moles, Dissapearances of Moles etc which we Fail to also on major events Nature Cautions thru Omens...Nature Always Cautions and Warns - Only We Fail to Read the Danger Signals or of course - Forsee Good Time to come and Act accordingly. Occult Science provides an answer... MOLES A moles means a permanent small dark spot on the human body" as defined in the English dictionary.Moles are found on many parts of the body and can be of honey colour ,red,b...